Instructions for refreshing and renewing the shine of your linoleum floors
GLEIVO Beeswax No. 315
For refreshing and renewing the shine of linoleum floors, we recommend our product GLEIVO Beeswax No. 315. In order for you to quickly achieve the desired goal, we have created a short instruction for the application of GLEIVO Beeswax No. 315 below. You have the choice between watching the following video or if you prefer reading, you will certainly be interested in our step by step instructions.
Application video for GLEIVO Beeswax No. 315

Summary of the utensils and steps
The following utensils are needed:
As soon as you have the utensils together, you can start refreshing and renewing the shine. In the following, we have summarised the individual steps from the video using pictures and text. This way you don't always have to pause the video, but can read the individual steps separately.
Step-by-step instructions for the application of GLEIVO Beeswax No. 315
Before you start with the following steps, you should thoroughly sweep, mop and dry your linoleum. A clean substrate is a MUST for this application to ensure a good result in the end.
Shake or stir the beeswax well before use.
Apply only a few drops to a square metre.
Apply with a polishing machine and grit-free pad or suitable device and apply a wafer-thin coat. (if necessary, apply a little more wax).
Allow to dry for approx. 4 hours.
You should regularly refresh your linoleum floors with GLEIVO Beeswax No. 315 or renew the gloss so that you have a beautiful linoleum floor in the long term. You can find more information about the product in our technical data sheet.
NOTE: For refreshing and renewing the shine of more absorbent linoleum, we recommend using the BIVOS Oil Wax No. 375.