+49 (0)5825 880
Mo-Do.: 08-16:00 Uhr & Fr: 08-13:00 Uhr
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Dear customers,

LIVOS will be closed on the following days due to public holidays/bridge days and orders will not be processed: May 1, May 9, May 10 and May 20, 2024. Thank you for your understanding!

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livosgermany Ein wahres Meisterstück der Handwerkskunst! Frank Königsmann hat als Abschlussprojekt für seine Meisterprüfung eine Garderobenbank aus hochwertigem Eschenholz und edlem Ahornfurnier gefertigt. Für den perfekten Schutz und die natürliche Ausstrahlung wurde das KUNOS Objektöl Nr. 241 in farblos (002) und in weiß (204) verwendet. So bleibt die Schönheit des Holzes erhalten und erhält gleichzeitig einen Hauch von Frische.? Diese Bank vereint Funktionalität mit zeitloser Eleganz und wird zum Blickfang in jedem Eingangsbereich. Entdecken Sie die Kunst des nachhaltigen Wohnens mit LIVOS und lassen Sie sich inspirieren! ?? --- A true masterpiece of craftsmanship! Frank Königsmann made a wardrobe bench from high-quality ash wood and fine maple veneer as his final project for his master craftsman's examination. KUNOS No. 241 in clear (002) and white (204) was used for perfect protection and a natural look. This preserves the beauty of the wood while adding a touch of freshness. ? This bench combines functionality with timeless elegance and is an eye-catcher in any entrance area. Discover the art of sustainable living with LIVOS and be inspired! #naturalpaints #ecofriendlyrenovation #plantbasedcolors #sustainableliving #greenhome #nontoxicpaints #healthyhome #livospaints #LIVOS #Nachhaltigkeit #sustainability #Holzliebe #livosgermany #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigwohnen #meisterstück

August 22 2024 View on Instagram


livosgermany Wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute das ausgefallene Möbelstück von Christian Ruprecht zu präsentieren, der gerade seine Tischlerausbildung absolviert hat! Für sein Meisterstück hat er Esche verwendet und mit unserem ????? ??????ö? ??. ??? ?? ??? ????? ???ß veredelt. Das Ergebnis ist nicht nur ästhetisch ansprechend, sondern auch nachhaltig und umweltfreundlich! ? Die Kombination aus Esche und Linoleum macht dieses Möbel zu einem echten Hingucker! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Christian, zu deiner kreativen Abschluss-Arbeit und einen super Start ins neue Berufsleben! ? ?? _________________ We are excited to present to you the outstanding piece of furniture by Christian Ruprecht, who has just completed his carpentry apprenticeship! For his masterpiece, he used ash wood and refined it with our ????? No. ??? in the color white. The result is not only aesthetically pleasing but also sustainable and environmentally friendly! ? The combination of ash and linoleum makes this piece of furniture a real eye-catcher! Congratulations, Christian, on your creative final project and best wishes for a great start to your new professional life! ? #naturalpaints #ecofriendlyrenovation #plantbasedcolors #sustainableliving #greenhome #nontoxicpaints #healthyhome #livospaints #LIVOS #Nachhaltigkeit #sustainability #Holzliebe #livosgermany #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigwohnen #meisterstück #hwkhannover

August 13 2024 View on Instagram


livosgermany Heute stellen wir Ihnen das Gesellenstück von Gustav Kemper vor: ein handgefertigter Küchentisch aus erlesener Rotbuche, veredelt mit Linoleum. ✨ Für die Oberflächenbehandlung haben wir Gustav unser ????? ?ö???ö? ??. ??? zur Verfügung gestellt und das Ergebnis spricht für sich – eine herausragende Verarbeitung! Besonders ins Auge fällt die kunstvoll gestaltete Marketerie im Schubkasten, gefertigt aus Buche und Hainbuche. Diese liebevollen Details machen den Tisch nicht nur zu einem Unikat, sondern spiegeln auch Gustavs Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit in der Holzverarbeitung wider. ?? Wir freuen uns, dass Gustav sein Konzept erfolgreich umgesetzt und bei der Gesellenstückschau ??? ???????????????????? ???? ???????? ???! Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige Zukunft arbeiten!? ?? _________________ Today we are presenting Gustav Kemper's journeyman's piece: a handmade kitchen table made from exquisite copper beech, finished with linoleum. We provided Gustav with our ????? ????????? ??? ??. ??? for the surface treatment and the result speaks for itself – an outstanding finish! The artistically designed marquetry in the drawer, made from beech and hornbeam, is particularly eye-catching. These loving details not only make the table unique, but also reflect Gustav's commitment to sustainability in wood processing. We are delighted that Gustav has successfully implemented his concept and ??? ??? ?????????????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??????????'? ????? ????! Let's work together for a sustainable future! #naturalpaints #ecofriendlyrenovation #plantbasedcolors #sustainableliving #greenhome #nontoxicpaints #healthyhome #livospaints #LIVOS #Nachhaltigkeit #sustainability #Holzliebe #livosgermany #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigwohnen #Nachhaltigkeitspreis2024

August 6 2024 View on Instagram


livosgermany Bei LIVOS steht Ihre Gesundheit an erster Stelle! Unsere Philosophie basiert auf der sorgfältigen Auswahl von Rohstoffen und strengen Qualitätskontrollen, um Ihnen maximale Sicherheit zu bieten. ? Wir setzen auf Nachhaltigkeit und denken in geschlossenen Stoffkreisläufen – für eine bessere Zukunft unserer Erde und kommender Generationen. ? Seit 1974 entwickeln wir hochwertige Produkte, die nicht nur sparsam im Verbrauch sind, sondern auch leicht renovierbar. Transparenz ist uns wichtig: Mit unserer Volldeklaration aller Inhaltsstoffe ermöglichen wir informierte Entscheidungen – besonders für Allergiker. Gemeinsam für eine gesunde und nachhaltige Welt!? ?? _________________ At LIVOS, your health comes first! Our philosophy is based on the careful selection of raw materials and strict quality controls in order to offer you maximum safety. ? We focus on sustainability and think in terms of closed material cycles – a better future for our planet and future generations.? Since 1974, we have been developing high-quality products that are not only high yield, but also easy to renovate. Transparency is important to us: with our full declaration of all ingredients, we enable you to take the right decision – which is especially important for allergy sufferers. Together for a healthy and sustainable world!? #naturalpaints #ecofriendlyrenovation #plantbasedcolors #sustainableliving #greenhome #nontoxicpaints #healthyhome #livospaints #LIVOS #Nachhaltigkeit #sustainability #Holzliebe #livosgermany #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigwohnen

July 31 2024 View on Instagram

BODIOS Toy Paint No. 343

Variants from €4.30*
LIVOS Edible linseed oil N° 3000 (cold pressed)

Content: 0.25 piece (€42.80* / 1 piece)

Variants from €3.70*
COLONY Linseed cake N° 4920

Content: 25 Kilogramm (€0.90* / 1 Kilogramm)

Variants from €11.00*
Watch CLP-notice!
Health hazard: Serious health hazard GHS08 - Health hazard: Serious health hazard
Hazard Statements
H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
H413: May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life.
LANON Toy Stain N° 210
Color: Oak | container size: 0,125 l

Content: 0.125 piece (€74.48* / 1 piece)

Variants from €3.80*
Watch CLP-notice!
Health hazard: Serious health hazard GHS08 - Health hazard: Serious health hazard
Hazard Statements
H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
H413: May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life.
KALDET Transparent Wood Stain N° 270
Color: Lemon | container size: 30 l

Content: 30 piece (€21.63* / 1 piece)

Variants from €3.80*
Watch CLP-notice!
Hazard Statements
H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
DONNOS Penetrating Fence Stain N° 223

Content: 0.05 piece (€76.00* / 1 piece)

SUNNO Pigment Concentrate N° 425
Color: Terra di pozzuoli | container size: 0,125 l

Content: 0.125 piece (€138.40* / 1 piece)

Variants from €12.00*
SAMO Furniture Paint N° 698
Color: Cream white | container size: 0,375 l

Content: 0.375 piece (€51.17* / 1 piece)

Variants from €3.80*

Paint based on natural raw materials

Natural paints, oils, varnishes, products for maintenance and cleaners - for wood inside and outside, for inside walls. Health-friendly, eco-friendly, made from natural and renewable raw materials.

Good for you, good for the environment, good for the climate.

Discover our products

Natural paints, oils, varnishes, products for maintenance and cleaners - for wood inside and outside, for inside walls.
Health-friendly, eco-friendly, made from natural and renewable raw materials. Good for you, good for the environment, good for the climate.

Discover our products

Plant. Color. Life!

LIVOS only uses plant, earth and mineral pigments. They give depth and charisma to the products and create harmonious colour combinations. With avoidance of pollutants and heavy metals of course. Good for you, good for the environment, good for the climate.

With the help of the LIVOS product finder we help you to choose the right product

product finder

LIVOS is the world’s first manufacturer of natural paints

Obliged to the people and the nature

No animal experiments

Animal experiments are not carried out either by us or on our behalf. Furthermore many of our products are vegan. Therefore LIVOS stands for harmony between humans, animals and nature.

Health protection

To develop products for people and to offer them the maximum safety for the highest good - the health - this is top priority for LIVOS. A careful selection of the raw materials, rigorous quality controls, incorporating customer feedback into the development, research and ongoing exchange with scientists provide this high level of protection.

Compatibility with the posterity

Nature forms the livelihood of present and future generations. The idea of sustainability - not to consume more than can be regenerated - has been an indispensable part of the LIVOS since the very start and is still the everyday claim.

High technical quality

Since 1974, LIVOS researches and develops high quality products, which are applicable by conventional methods, economical in the consumption and easy to renovate. We offer optimally adapted solutions for private consumers, craftsmen and industry. With the specially developed cleaning and care products, your surfaces outlast decades.

Sustainable business

The sustainable business idea should be equally useful for nature, people and society. LIVOS follows this approach over the entire life cycle of its products (from raw material production to disposal). A long-term and stable development comes before short-term profits. For over 40 years LIVOS has been living this guideline successfully and quality is recommended!

Closed cycles of materials

LIVOS thinks and develops in cycles of materials. Wherever possible resources are economised - for example, by using renewable raw materials and easy to be recycled packaging, by heating the company building with pellets and by selecting suppliers with the same idea.


The full declaration (declaration of all ingredients) is the standard for LIVOS - already since 1984. With this full transparency towards customers and fabricators LIVOS is a pioneer in the paint industry. Only the full declaration makes allows a holistic decision, in particular for people with allergies but also for the health prevention.

LIVOS is the world’s first manufacturer of natural paints

No animal experiments

Animal experiments are not carried out either by us or on our behalf. Furthermore many of our products are vegan. Therefore LIVOS stands for harmony between humans, animals and nature.

Health protection

To develop products for people and to offer them the maximum safety for the highest good - the health - this is top priority for LIVOS. A careful selection of the raw materials, rigorous quality controls, incorporating customer feedback into the development, research and ongoing exchange with scientists provide this high level of protection.

Compatibility with the posterity

Nature forms the livelihood of present and future generations. The idea of sustainability - not to consume more than can be regenerated - has been an indispensable part of the LIVOS since the very start and is still the everyday claim.

High technical quality

Since 1974, LIVOS researches and develops high quality products, which are applicable by conventional methods, economical in the consumption and easy to renovate. We offer optimally adapted solutions for private consumers, craftsmen and industry. With the specially developed cleaning and care products, your surfaces outlast decades.

LIVOS – obliged to the people and the nature

Sustainable business

The sustainable business idea should be equally useful for nature, people and society. LIVOS follows this approach over the entire life cycle of its products (from raw material production to disposal). A long-term and stable development comes before short-term profits. For over 40 years LIVOS has been living this guideline successfully and quality is recommended!

Closed cycles of materials

LIVOS thinks and develops in cycles of materials. Wherever possible resources are economised - for example, by using renewable raw materials and easy to be recycled packaging, by heating the company building with pellets and by selecting suppliers with the same idea.


The full declaration (declaration of all ingredients) is the standard for LIVOS - already since 1984. With this full transparency towards customers and fabricators LIVOS is a pioneer in the paint industry. Only the full declaration makes allows a holistic decision, in particular for people with allergies but also for the health prevention.