Creative wall design: glazing with LIVOS SUNNO natural colours

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Creative wall design: glazing with LIVOS SUNNO natural colours

Set accents in wall design with LIVOS SUNNO glazes

Light accents can be achieved in wall design by applying a discreet coat of paint with LIVOS SUNNO glazes. For this technique, several delicately covering layers of paint are applied to a clean substrate during glazing. Once the wall design is complete, the overlapping nuances are reminiscent of the effective effect of a polychrome watercolour painting. Depending on the incidence of light, the individual colour shades change in many facets and appear to be in a constant state of flux. This remarkable result makes wall design with a wall glaze from LIVOS a lively and easy-to-implement creative project.

The preparation

To mix the wall glaze, you will need a whisk, an oval glaze brush and a small glaze brush with soft natural bristles as well as a spatula, spoon and bucket. Before glazing, it is advisable to mask the adjacent walls and floor with sufficiently wide masking tape and cover the skirting boards with coated oiled paper. To clean the tools used after glazing, you can use SUNNO tool cleaner. For the wall design, the first thing to do is to choose your personal favourite shades from the extensive range of LIVOS SUNNO natural paints. While SUNNO plant concentrates are traditionally used in the anthroposophical colour theory according to Rudolf Steiner, SUNNO colour concentrates based on earth and mineral pigments are UV-stable and available in almost all shades within the colour circle. All colour shades without orange oil meet the criteria of LIVOS neutral products for allergy sufferers and those sensitive to odours and chemicals.

The paint application

The slightly transparent effect of a wall glaze intensifies as soon as several layers are applied on top of each other. To ensure that the respective colours harmonise with each other in the wall design, you should prefer those nuances that lie next to each other on the colour wheel. In this sense, yellow as the first colour application is compatible with a complementary wall glaze in orange and red or, as shown in the following example, with green. The SUNNO colour concentrates "Roman Ochre" and "Veronese Green Earth" are used for this. For glazing, the wall should be lightly roughened or grainy plastered. The haptic texture makes the colour pigments adhere better to the plaster, so that the wall glaze is shown to its best advantage. To mix the wall glaze, dilute the SUNNO binder with water in a ratio of 1:2. To do this, simply pour the binder liquid into a bucket and fill the empty bottle twice with water and add it. Add the desired amount of SUNNO colour concentrate to the emulsion and mix carefully with a whisk. Test the colour on an inconspicuous spot on the wall until the favoured shade is reached. For the best possible colour application, hold the oval glaze brush close to the brush head to achieve the softest possible result when painting the wall. It is also a good idea to use a small glaze brush in the first step to reach corners and edges that are difficult to access. Now apply the wall glaze wet in wet with the glaze brush in the form of horizontal figure eights and smudge with soft movements. Make sure that the transitions within the wall design are smooth and that the glaze is evenly distributed by applying it again. Allow the wall glaze to dry for at least four hours. For the second, green wall glaze, prepare a SUNNO Binder Colour Concentrate mixture again and proceed with the wall design in the previous way. Depending on how you like it, you can now emphasise colour effects and intensify harmonious shades. In this way, LIVOS SUNNO colour concentrates create an atmospheric wall design with individual colour compositions. Use natural glazes from LIVOS made of mineral pigments or plant extracts to realise your projects.