Instructions for mixing new colour variations of SAMO furniture paint
SAMO Furniture Paint No. 698
To get the shade you want, you can mix your desired colour from the available shades. In order to quickly achieve the desired shade and the right consistency, we have put together a short guide for you below. You have the choice between watching the following video or if you prefer reading, you will definitely be interested in our step by step instructions.
Application video for SAMO Furniture Paint No. 698
Summary of the utensils and steps
The following utensils are needed:
As soon as you have the utensils together, you can start mixing the desired colour. In the following, we have summarised the individual steps from the video using pictures and text. So you don't always have to pause the video, but can read the individual steps separately.
Step-by-Step Instructions for the Application of SAMO Furniture Paint No. 698
Before you start with the following steps, you should have an idea of which colour you want to mix. Then, when you have all the utensils at hand, you can start as described in the instructions below.
Stir the colours vigorously.
Pour one of the two colours completely into the empty glass and gradually add the second colour. The ratio should be 1:1..
Stir the colours vigorously.
Apply the desired colour to the wood and then allow to dry.
For more information on the product, please see our technical bulletin.